You can also register Online to request your prescriptions, make appointments and request to see your medical records. To arrange this, please bring ID with you. eg Passport, Driving Licence etc and speak to the Receptionists to register for this “On-line” service.
Alternatively, the Receptionist may register you for Online services if you are known to them but this does not apply to newly registered Patients.
Once you have your login details please sign in to SystmOnline.
Proxy Online Access
How proxy access works
Proxy access was developed to allow someone other than the patient to access and manage parts of their GP online services account. The proxy is given their own online access account (rather than using the patient’s login details). It is often used by the parents or recognised carers of young children, and recognised carers of adults.
Access given to authorised care staff must be agreed between the:
- resident/patient and or their representative
- care home
- patient’s GP practice.
Access is generally given from the date of admission to the care home but longer, retrospective, proxy access can be given if the GP agrees this would be of benefit to the resident.
GP practices can set up their clinical systems to allow access to various elements of the GP records. This is agreed locally, meaning that care home staff can’t see anything that the GP practice does not allow. If, however, a resident does not want care home staff to have proxy access to any part of their record, including ordering medication, the care home must respect the wishes of their resident and continue to work with paper, etc.
Levels of proxy access
As agreed locally, staff in the care home can be given proxy access by the GP practice to:
- book and view appointments
- order medication, including adding a note to the GP practice (e.g. when an item is marked as needing review)
- summary care records (SCR) i.e. allergies and drug sensitivities, acute medication, repeat medication
- detailed coded record (DCR) i.e. demographics, allergies/adverse reactions, drug sensitivities, acute and repeat medication, immunisations, test results, coded problems, diagnoses, procedures, coded referrals and letters received (excluding free text, letters and attachments, administrative items)
- full record access i.e. DCR plus documents (like hospital discharge letters, referrals, etc) and free-text notes
When record access is enabled for a proxy user, this should start from the date access is given unless an earlier date has been agreed between patient, GP, and care home.
NHS England » How proxy access works
Try the NHS App
The NHS App allows you to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.
You can use it wherever you are, at any time. It puts valuable information about your health and treatments at your fingertips.
You can:
- order repeat prescriptions
- view your GP medical record
- register for organ donation and change your donation preferences
- use the symptoms checker, including an A to Z of conditions and treatment advice from the NHS website
- access 111 Online, for advice on self-care and whether urgent help is needed
For more information go to
Is my information safe?
Just like a banking app, your identity will be carefully checked during the simple registration process. The app has been designed, built and tested so that your personal information is always safe and secure.
If you want to learn more, visit the NHS App page on the NHS UK website.