Our Practice Nurse will be pleased to give advice to those patients going abroad. Please allow adequate time in order for any vaccine(s) to be effective. Certain vaccines are chargeable - please ask at the time of booking.
Before You Go
Well before travelling abroad, check with your Travel Agent or the Tourist Office/Embassy of the country you intend to visit on any special precautions you may need to take. At least two months before departure discuss any vaccination requirements with the practice nurse. Pack a small first aid kit containing adhesive dressings, insect repellent, antiseptic cream and water purification tablets etc; ask at the pharmacy.
When Abroad
Check on the quality of the drinking water. If in doubt, either drink only bottled water or use water purification tablets. Avoid iced drinks as these may well have been made from suspect water. Raw vegetables, salads and fresh fruits should be carefully washed in clean water. If in doubt stick to freshly cooked food.
Beware of the sun! Use a high factor sunscreen particularly in the first few days of exposure. Children in particular should be closely monitored in this respect.
In hot climates, drink plenty of non-alcoholic drinks. If you are not passing water regularly you are not drinking enough.
On Your Return
If you fall ill, don't forget to tell your doctor that you have travelled abroad. If you have received treatment abroad, tell your own doctor on return.
When donating blood, tell the transfusion staff which countries you have visited.